Timeline of Companionship


175cm x 30cm


This piece was born out of heartbreak and a longing to retain memories of the past, yet it looks hopefully to the future. As an individual who has moved around a great deal (London - Edinburgh - Cambridgeshire - Rome), this piece celebrates lasting friendship and companionship.


Through bursting and flowing colour, it is an appreciation of friends old and new. It celebrates friends who turn into family when one is so far away from their own. It celebrates the deep connection found with new friends, despite being from opposite sides of the world. It celebrates honesty and deepening relationships through it. It celebrates trust and the growth that comes with it. It celebrates how distance and time are nullified through genuine friendship. The fact that the older one becomes, the more self assured and confident they are. This piece celebrates maturity and the gift of life.


Letter to my Children


Fragility of the Status Quo